About . . .
Holy Mary Chapel Veils

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How I started this business
Hello, my name is Kathleen DeLalla (Sr. Helen Mary,M.I.C.M., Tert.) I have been making Chapel Veils since September of 2000. I started this business because I saw a real need, even in our own little community of southwestern New Hampshire. I initially got started after attending the year 2000 St. Benedict Center Conference in Fitchburg, MA. I found that there were many women attending Mass who needed veils but there were no vendors selling veils. I then decided to make the 2001 SBC Conference my initial goal. As it turned out, it was a great success for me.

About myself and my family
My husband's name is Gene. We have five children and six grandchildren (ages ranging up to almost eight years old.) Our son James is the only child living at home and he is almost nine and a half years old. James goes to school at the Immaculate Heart of Mary School at St. Benedict Center, Richmond, NH. James has been an alter server for over a year now and loves serving Christ.
My husband and I have a commercial cleaning business also which mostly Gene attends to. We are also Third Order members of St. Benedict Center's crusade and enjoy being apostles for the Faith.
Please pray for our many family members who are not in the Faith or who have fallen away.
In Christ, Our Lord,
Kathy DeLalla (Sr. Helen Mary,M.I.C.M, Tertiary)

Fax me:
(603) 242-6765

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